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Shed Foundation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re probably building a shed or considering building one. While one of the most important decisions to make around building a shed is what shed material type you should choose, the second most important is the foundation. You see, shed foundations are so important. They are the key to a long-lasting and durable shed. Without one, your shed will not be able to function properly.

So, in this blog, we’re going to talk about some of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to their shed foundations. We’ll address things like uneven ground, poor drainage and incorrect sizing. Spoiler: they all can lead to costly issues. So, let’s dive in and talk more about it.

Uneven Ground: The Foundation Wrecker

The Problem: 

So, what’s the big deal about uneven ground when it comes to your site prep for sheds? Well, if you decide to build your shed on sloped or uneven terrain, it isn’t going to go so well. 

Why It’s a Problem: Why? Well, building your foundation on uneven ground can cause instability, which is awful when you’re trying to keep stored items safe inside your shed. Uneven ground can also lead to misaligned shed doors. This might not sound like a big deal, but this means that your shed can’t close properly, and you might even have issues using the doors to get items in and out. 

Overall, uneven ground under your shed foundation can lead to damage to the shed structure over time, too. Which again, this won’t help when you’re trying to keep your stored items safe. It also can mean costly repairs and even needing to replace your shed if it gets bad enough.

How to Be Prepared:

So, what can you do to be proactive and prepare? The best thing to do is to use a level to check the ground for a slope. If the ground is uneven, you’ll need to level it with something like compacted soil, gravel or something else. This might seem like a lot of work, but it will save you so many headaches and money in the long run.

Poor Drainage: Water Damage Waiting to Happen

The Problem:

No one likes to hear the words water damage, and luckily in this case there is site prep for sheds that allow for proper drainage. So, let’s talk about drainage—or rather, the lack of it. Proper drainage might not seem like a big deal when it comes to a shed foundation, but it really is. Ignoring it can lead to some pretty nasty surprises. If water has nowhere to go, it’ll stick around, and you’ll have huge issues.

Why It’s a Problem:

It probably goes without saying, but pooling water around your foundation, if left that way for a long time, can mess up the foundation. That’s because standing water can erode the ground beneath your shed. This leads to things like instability from a soggy ground and maybe even shifting. It also can mean things like mold and mildew—two things you definitely don’t want near your shed or stored items. Water damage also causes extra wear and tear on your shed that isn’t necessary. 

How to Be Prepared:

So, how can you be prepared? Start by looking at your yard when it’s raining. Where does the water pool? You want to avoid spots where water is pooling. If you are set on a spot where water is pooling, you might need to build up the ground a bit and see how it fares in rain and snow. This can really help.

outdoor storage shed with wood foundation
Painted Oakland storage shed

Incorrect Foundation Sizing: Too Big or Too Small

The Problem:

Sizing might seem pretty simple, but when it comes to foundation site prep for sheds, getting it just right is really important. Guessing at measurements or skimping a bit can lead to some serious problems. A foundation that’s too small or too large can throw off the entire structure.

Why It’s a Problem:

Here’s the deal: a foundation that’s too small won’t fully support your shed, leaving it unstable and vulnerable to shifting or collapsing under pressure. On the flip side, if your foundation is too large, you could end up with water damage if water has space to pool around the shed. We talked about this a bit above, but over time, it can cause stress on the structure, leading to possible damage to your shed.

How to Be Prepared:

So, how do you prepare? The good news is this is a very preventable problem. Start by double-checking your shed’s dimensions and following the manufacturer’s recommendations exactly. You need to use a tape measure and not guess. Taking the time to get your foundation sizing just right will save you a ton of hassle down the road and keep your shed standing strong for years to come.

Overlooking Site Prep for Sheds

The Problem: 

Okay, we get it—ground prep is not the most glamorous or interesting part of the process, but it needs to be done. Skipping necessary prep work like compacting the ground or clearing debris can be a big deal. This can go along with your leveling step, too. 

Why It’s a Problem: 

So, why can you just put a shed on any piece of ground with no prep? Well, without proper level-ground prepping, you can have issues like sinking, shifting or uneven support for the shed. This can mean damage in the long run to your shed and maybe even your stored items. Plus, it’s a huge headache you don’t need.

How to Be Prepared:

Being prepared is the key here. You’ll want to clear away grass, plants, rocks and roots from the area before setting up the foundation. You’ll also want to compact the soil or base material to ensure it’s stable and level. Note: use a level for this step—don’t eyeball it.

There should be no doubt in your mind that your shed needs a base no matter what material type you select. Making sure that the proper planning and preparations go into installing your base will ensure you have a much smoother and more pleasant experience with your shed.

If you’re in the market for a new shed, be sure to take a look at our sturdy resin sheds. One of our best sellers is the Cortina 11x7 storage shed. Like other sheds, they do need a base, but the sheds themselves come with a floor and are weather-resistant as well as being low to no maintenance. So, once it’s set up properly, you can just enjoy the beauty of your new Keter shed.

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