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5 steps to decluttering your Outdoor Spaces

We all know the phrase: tidy home, tidy mind. But what about your outdoor space? Finding time to keep your garden or patio in check isn’t always easy. Be honest… is your garden ‘sparking joy’? Or has it run wild ever since the last time you lit up the barbecue in summer 2021? If it’s more a case of the latter, you’re probably avoiding going out there. But don’t let garden woe get you down we’ve got you covered. Follow these five steps to declutter your outdoor space and step into an oasis of calm, every time you open the back door.

Five Steps to Declutter Your Outdoor Space

There are five simple steps that you can follow to help declutter your outdoor space and make the most out of your patio or garden. 

1. Get ready to clear it up (we promise this won’t hurt a bit)

Your journey into outdoor tranquillity, and decluttering your outdoor space, always starts with a little elbow grease – and crazy as it sounds, once you start, you might even enjoy it. Clear away the clutter and identify any stuff that belongs in the bin. If you have a lawn, cut it. Rake up those dead leaves. Grab any kid’s toys and pile them in one place. Get into the Zen zone of a good old clear out. Once completed you can take a step back and you’ll be able to see exactly what you’ve got. 

The results of neatening up your space are well worth it – and once done you are ready to move onto Step 2 – categorising everything. 

2. Get it sorted – categories are everything

The next step is to decide what you need to keep and what can be recycled, donated, sold or – and this should be a last resort – thrown away. Outgrown toys and games are perfect for car boot sales and many councils remove garden waste for free. You might decide it’s time to update your garden furniture, so make sure you pass your last set on to someone else using a site like Freecycle. Try not to keep duplicates of any item ‘just in case’ – be ruthless now and your mind will thank you later.

3. Find everything a place to live – storing your stuff

By this point , you've made the tough decisions (well done) and you’re almost there. Now it’s time to decide where everything lives. This step is not only to help you declutter your outdoor space, but also to try and keep it clear for maximum enjoyment later on.

Try to create a ‘home’ for everything, and put it all back at the end of each day. Our innovative Store-It-Out shed gives you extra room to store things securely in your garden or, if you’re pushed for space, try our garden box – it looks smart and keeps things safe on a patio or balcony. Use sheds and boxes to hide hoses, mowers, rakes and other bits of boring-but-necessary gardening kit. The Store-It-Out can even be used to house those ugly wheelie bins. It’s all about creating a beautiful outdoor habitat where you can just find time to ‘be’.


4. Style it – sometimes, looks do matter

Once you’ve got things looking clean, tidy and organised, it’s time to make your outdoors look beautiful, too. You’ve heard of bringing the outdoors in – well, how about bringing the indoors out? We love the trend for painting garden fences in crisp white or bright jewel tones, tiling patios and creating sumptuous seating areas with outdoor sofas, fire pits and lots of blankets for when the sun nips behind a cloud. Get creative and make your outdoor space an extension of your home that you can use all summer long to relax and reconnect with nature.

5. Enjoy it

Having gone to the effort of creating an amazing outdoor space, now’s your chance to get out there and use it. Why not invite some friends round for a barbecue or serve dinner for the family on an outdoor table – British weather permitting, of course. 

Your space is your own to use how you wish. Make the most of it in its new, decluttered, state. 

Make Your Space Amazing

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